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Solving Tight Hips: It's Not As Hard As You Think

hips May 17, 2023

Today, we're going to dive into the world of hip mobility and tackle the issue of tight hips.

In our modern lifestyle, prolonged sitting is the norm - desks, cars, couches, you name it. Consequently, our hips become one of the main problem areas, becoming tight and leading to discomfort. This can cascade into other problems, including back pain and decreased mobility, emphasizing the need for effective hip care.

source - watch your posture by cody verhagen

However, it seems most people hit a roadblock when it comes to addressing this issue. The occasional stretch or sporadic exercises might provide temporary relief, but without consistency and structure, the tightness inevitably returns.

Taking care of your hips isn't a once-in-a-while activity.

In this newsletter, we'll explore how to solve the tight hip conundrum. Here's the roadmap:

  1. The importance of your hips to overall mobility and wellbeing
  2. Common mistakes made in attempts to relieve hip tightness
  3. Proven strategies for maintaining hip flexibility
  4. Easy-to-do exercises for daily routine
  5. The importance of integrating hip care into your lifestyle

Let's get started!

The Role of Your Hips

Hips play a critical role in your mobility. They're involved in most movements, from walking to sitting. When your hips are tight, your entire body feels the impact, leading to issues like back pain, reduced mobility, and sometimes, injuries.

A Structured Routine: The Answer to Hip Care

The key to maintaining hip flexibility and alleviating tightness is a consistent, structured routine. This routine should include specific exercises and stretches targeting the hips, carried out regularly for the best results.

Where We Often Slip Up

The common pitfall in addressing hip tightness is inconsistency. The key to having a great routine is to make sure that we are executing on that routine. Occasional stretches or exercises might provide some relief, but without a regular routine, the benefits don't last. Creating a streak is a great way to gain momentum and build the habit.

image source - jamesclear.com

Practical Hip Care Exercises

There's a range of effective exercises for maintaining hip flexibility. But I don’t want you to have analysis paralysis. The 90/90, the hip flexor/quad stretch, and the pelvic tilt are just a few examples of time-tested and effective. Each targets the hips differently, promoting flexibility and easing discomfort.

Making Hip Care Part of Your Lifestyle

Lastly, hip care should be a lifestyle, not an occasional activity. Incorporating hip care into your daily routine, like brushing teeth, ensures continuous care for your hips. Find a time of day that you dedicate to moving your body.

Now, with a better understanding of hip care and a strategy to maintain flexibility, it's time to take action. Start implementing these strategies today and experience the benefits of healthier, more flexible hips.

Whenever you're ready, here is the best way I can assist you in enhancing your mobility and self-care:

If you're just starting your journey towards better mobility and wellness, I recommend starting with my New Self-Care Mobility Program:

Transform your self-care routine with our Mobility Mastery Program. This in-depth course will teach you the techniques I use to improve flexibility, increase strength, and enhance overall wellbeing.




Whenever you're ready, here is the best way I can assist you in enhancing your mobility:

Self-Care Mobility: If you're just starting your journey towards better mobility and wellness, I recommend starting with my New Self-Care Mobility Program: Transform your Mobility in a sustainable way. This 30-day program will teach you the techniques I use with my clients to improve flexibility, increase stability, and enhance overall wellbeing.

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