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Unlock the secret to better living - Discover how removing, not adding, can be your game-changer in achieving a healthier lifestyle.

Jun 20, 2023

Read Time: 3 minutes

In this article, we'll dive into a principle I like to call "Remove to Improve". We'll unpack the art of eliminating or modifying certain aspects of our lives - physical stress, mental stress, unhealthy habits - to pave the way for an enhanced lifestyle.

We all want to lead better, healthier lives. Yet, we often focus on adding more - more exercise, more diet plans, more self-help books. But, the secret often lies in simplifying and removing what hinders us. This concept is vital for anyone feeling overwhelmed or stuck in their journey towards improved health and wellbeing.

The common pitfall? We associate improvement with addition. New workout routine? Add it. New diet trend? Add it. The problem? We don't consider whether these new additions are compatible with our current lifestyle or if they're adding unnecessary stress. Our failure to assess and remove what's not serving us leads to a chaotic, counterproductive path.

To truly improve, we need to embrace the power of removing.

This principle, which is a cornerstone of my self-care mobility programs, encourages us to analyze and eliminate or alter the elements that add physical or mental stress.

Here's a bulleted list of takeaways from the principle of "Remove to Improve":

1. Evaluate Your Physical Stress:

Pay attention to your body. Is your current exercise routine leading to constant fatigue or injuries? It might be time to modify it or remove certain exercises that your body is not ready for yet.

2. Reassess Your Mental Stress:

Are work pressures, toxic relationships, or unhealthy social media habits draining you mentally? Identify these stress triggers and seek ways to remove or alter them.

3. Simplify Your Nutrition:

Instead of jumping on every new diet trend, understand your body's unique nutritional needs. Remove foods that make you feel sluggish or cause discomfort.

4. Prioritize Quality Sleep:

If late-night shows or endless scrolling sessions are cutting into your sleep time, it's time to remove these habits for better sleep quality.

Through the "Remove to Improve" approach, we're not just eliminating. We're making space for what truly matters, leading to a more balanced, healthy, and fulfilling lifestyle. So, start assessing, start removing, and see the improvement unfold!

Give this quick tip a try ↓

The 5-Minute Drill:

In your journey to "Remove to Improve," start small. Dedicate 5-10 minutes a week to identify and reduce one source of physical or mental stress. Maybe it's replacing 4-sets of squats with 3-sets of squats, spending less time on a social media platform that triggers anxiety, or removing a processed food item from your diet. This small, manageable commitment can lead to significant, lasting changes over time. After all, it's often the small steps that lead to big improvements!


Whenever you're ready, here is the best way I can assist you in enhancing your mobility:

Self-Care Mobility: If you're just starting your journey towards better mobility and wellness, I recommend starting with my New Self-Care Mobility Program: Transform your Mobility in a sustainable way. This 30-day program will teach you the techniques I use with my clients to improve flexibility, increase stability, and enhance overall wellbeing.

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